Owner: Tim Etes

1955 chevrolet pick up truck

Here are some of the before and after pictures of my 1955 First Series Chevrolet Truck, complete August, 2006.

My nine year old son and I did a lot of the work;including a significant portion of the body, mechanical and reassembly-finish work!

Purchased last March (2005) on eBay (from a person just seven miles away, ironically), he never had the opportunity to begin the restoration and reconstruction process. We counted up the number of parts we moved from his house to ours and it was in an amazing 117 pieces! He purchased the vehicle from a Colorado farmer and transported it to Wisconsin nine years ago, where he and his son disassembled it for a ground up restoration.

I went with digital gauges, but kept the original 235 Chevy 6, with the granny-low 4 for Parades and to better make the Fenton-Cherry Bomb combination sound better when I take off!

Nick-named the Killer Bee

Enjoy! We are!

1955 chevrolet pick up truck 1955 chevrolet pick up truck 1955 chevrolet pick up truck

1955 chevrolet pick up truck 1955 chevrolet pick up truck 1955 chevrolet pick up truck