And now we've seen it all! A real example of American ingenuity.

Designed by an aftermarket company to keep an over tightened valve cover from leaking motor oil down the engine sides.  A metal band is pushed over and around the base of the valve cover.  Brass U-brackets are then secured by the two valve cover studs.  This creates equal pressure around the valve cover perimeter to stop the leaks down the side of the engine. This creates a problem with so much dust from rural non-paved roads and used beside farm fields. Dust build-up combined with oil is a mess!

Scott Golding from Stratton, NE (a serious re-builder of early GM trucks) states he has seen these brackets on another 216 engine. Maybe a company in that area once offered them at local auto parts stores.

This photo was taken by Scott Golding, a resident of Western Nebraska.

216 Oil Leaks

E-mail Scott states he has seen these brackets on another 216 engines. Maybe a company in that area once offered them at local auto parts stores?

Your opinion is welcomed.